
Door-to-Door Pickup and Delivery
Door-to-Door Pickup and Delivery
Central Courier and cargo has been a pioneer company in the Indian courier and cargo market, providing door-to-door delivery service, since 2008. Central Courier and cargo has more than 1200 booking and delivery centres across India.

Central Courier and cargo provides multiple transit options i.e. via Air, Rail and Surface mode to deliver shipments depending on the requirements and needs of the shipper.
Order Fulfilment and Cash on Delivery
Order Fulfilment and Cash on Delivery
Central Courier and cargo provides end-to-end order fulfilment including inventory management, packaging, logistics, order tracking and cash-on-delivery services to an e-commerce store.
Shipping High Value Goods
Shipping High Value Goods
Central Courier and cargo takes extra care of shipping valuable goods such as industrial equipment, mining materials, critical documents such as driver's license, passport, hosiery and garment items etc. ; Our operations team keeps a close-eye on the movement of such critical shipments with the aid of GPS trackers. This enables us to get real time updates on the movement of shipments. The real-time information helps in reducing customer care calls and ensures prompt service to our customers.
Create Value
Create Value
Provide Round The Clock Service
Provide Round The Clock Service
Happy Customers
Happy Customers
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